Senca Explore

Tutorial Box


Welcome to Senca Explore

Senca Explore is the easiest way to learn from your past projects.

About the tutorial

In this tutorial, you will use Explore as if you and your team are planning an electric grid extension project in Tunisia.

On the right, is a simplified version of the Explore system, showing data extracted from grid extension project reports.

This tutorial box will guide you through Explore's key features that help you plan your projects smarter.

You navigate through the tutorial using the blue arrows or the page numbers at the bottom of this tutorial box. Click the right arrow and let's get started.



Senca Explore, extracts and categorises useful information from your project reports. Allowing you to quickly analyse your past projects.

What you see on the right, is a dashboard showing all the electric grid extension projects in Africa contained in the database. On this page, they are organised by location.

How does this help me?

Great question! In the next slide of the tutorial you will use Explore to quickly answer project planning related questions. 


Project Analysis Example

Let's try a quick exercise to illustrate the kinds of questions Explore helps you answer:

During the planning process, your manager asks: "Which organisation has funded grid extension projects in Tunisia most recently?"

Here's how to use Explore to answer that:

  1. In the "Grid Extension Projects by Country" pie chart,
  2. Click the black "Tunisia" slice
  3. And now you can quickly explore the data from relevant past projects to find your answer
  4. Click on the Date (Completed) heading to sort the projects by project completion date

You just did 30-minutes worth of desktop research in a few clicks!

Click the right arrow and let's continue the tutorial.



Experiences are the notes recorded by team members during or after a project. They are often called 'lessons learned'.

Explore brings structure to all the lessons learned on previous relevant projects. Allowing you and your team to easily learn from the experiences of others and your organisation.

Click on the 'Experience Analysis' tab to see how Explore organises experiences.

How experiences work

Experiences are added to the database with details like: the impact of the experience, the factors that caused the experience and a brief description of the experience. This allows us to quickly dig into our 'institutional knowledge' from previous projects.

Go to the next tutorial slide to see how we can use Experiences when planning.


Experiences at work

Let's pretend we are planning the budget for our Tunisian grid extension project. 

A useful question to ask whilst planning would be: "In the past, what has caused budget overruns on this kind of project in Tunisia?"

Here's how to use Explore to answer that question:

  1. Above the 'Grid Extension Experiences by Impact' pie chart
  2. Click 'Add filters', and create the following filter:
  3. Where Project Country is Tunisia
  4. Then click the orange 'Increase in Cost' slice of the pie chart to explore those lessons

And just like that, we know what risks we need to mitigate to keep our project under budget.

Click the right arrow to finish the tutorial.


Ready to Sign Up for your Free 30-Day Trial?

Here are some other features that were not covered in the tutorial:

Get your project reports analysed and entered into the database for you by our analysts. That way your organisation can quickly start learning from past project experiences.

Easily export charts. Whether you want to include them in proposals, presentations or blog posts, we make it simple to share your analysis.

Join pre-existing communities. Or create your own data sharing community and invite organisations you work with to add their project's and experiences. Either way, you are in complete control of what you do and don't share.

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